Our youngest, Everett had to switch over to sippy cups a few months ago. This was a much easier process for him than it was for his brother. But I was also much smarter about the sippy cups from a green perspective this time.
We opted for a plastic sippy cup because we needed something inexpensive and readily available to have in the diaper bag, his room, his brother's room, the fridge, the car, etc..
So I was thrilled when I discovered these sippy cups at Target that are BPA free and recyclable. Everett loves them and we are pretty fond of them too.
I know sippies can be a personal thing and every kid has their preference. If you are going for plastic, try to find something that is BPA-free, recyclable, and if possible, recycled. There are also stainless steel cups, which are great because they are a whole lot less destructible and don't have to be replaced as often.
What are your favorite green sippy finds? What kind do your kids use? What do you wish you could find?

First of all, I LOVE the new look of your site Willo (although I also thought it looked fantastic before)!
We use Kleen Kanteen stainless steel sippys. My youngest has the steel one since he tends to use it as a missile and I think the paint would get a bit of wear and tear. My two older kids have coloured bottles with the regular screw-top lids.
Those Take and Toss cups are great! We've had two packs for both my kids and they've lasted almost three years. My daughter uses them as regular cups and my son likes them best.
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