This weekend my family and I visited the Fredrick Meijer Gardens and butterfly exhibit. It was great to have the boys exposed to and appreciating a new aspect of nature. The more they experience the more they can see the need to protect and respect our environment.
No matter where I go I am always on the lookout for Mama E friendly happenings. I was on the lookout at the gardens as usual, but the first thing I found was a toxic eye opener. This is an employee cleaning the inside of the glass case where the butterflies emerge from their cocoons with toxin filled Sparkle Glass Cleaner. If the smell was giving me a headache, I can only imagine what it was doing to the butterflies.
There was an uplifting eco-find later in the trip though. When we got outside into the gardens I came across this amazing sculpture art made out of upcycled bicycle parts. I think they are beautiful and fun and inspire me to get creative with the things I have.
So tell me, what eco-observations have you made lately? What, good or bad, has been inspiring you to make a difference?

are you kidding??!!! that's unbelievable!!! i can't wait til my grandson is old enough to enjoy the butterfly garden...
I love butterfly gardens, and the bicycle are is great. You would think they would choose a better cleaner though.
Yuck on the cleaner. Makes no sense. We have a beautiful butterfly garden here in Houston. The girls and I love it. To see my latest eco observation, hop over and visit my blog today. I found you on SITS. Good Monday morning to you!
I saw your post with the video on bottled water today and it reminded me of another video on "trash island" in the pacific gyre. The video is in the link below. The more ways we can get this information out there, the better:
I just LOVE butterfly gardens. But I don't know if I'd use that stinky cleaner around such sensitive creatures.
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