It's about this time of the year when every time I get in my car I think, "Ugh, I have got to do something about this smell." The combination of wet floor mats, stinky kids, and unopened windows for months at a time creates an aroma that is a far cry from pleasing.
But using some quick tips from earlier this week can help you freshen up your wheels and make driving a more pleasurable experience.
First, if you have time, dry out your mats. If you are going to be out of the car for a while, hang them up to dry out. I often don't have time for this, so I just skip to the next step, which is sprinkling the mats (and wets seats if you have 'em) with baking soda. You might try mixing in some essential oils with the baking soda for an even sweeter smell as Stephanie suggested earlier this week. Then just leave that sit for a spell (15-30 minutes) and vacuum up. This is great because it rids the car of smell and crumbs at the same time. And anyone with kids knows that crumbs accumulate at an alarming rate in your vehicle.
Next, dish the smelly cardboard thing you probably have hanging in there. Why? Because it's toxic, and cardboard, and disposable, which makes it a Mama E nemesis. Besides, inhaling toxic fragrance in a small enclosed space is a super bad idea.
Instead make yourself a small spray bottle (if you have one of the little travel versions laying around, these work great) of air freshener to keep in your console or glove compartment. Just use yesterday's recipe in the smaller bottle. Use about 5 drops of a subtle smelling oil, you don't want to overdo it in such a small space.
If you still must have your store bought air freshener, that's ok, just choose one that's safe for breathing! I like this Method aroma ring
that comes in a variety of scents and looks kind of cute sitting in my car (in case cuteness is an important factor in a smelly agent). You can also sort of adjust your level or aroma with this, which is nice.
I've got a very busy day ahead and have to hit the road. What are your tips for a great (green) smelling car?
I love your blog! I have found that the best deoderizer on the planet is vineger. Throw in a few essensial oils and walla! Sweetness! I am marking your blog as one of my favs. Thank you for sharing:)
Lordy our car smells bad:P I need to try all of these. It's been a long weather of snow and muck in the Durango:(
I came by to visit from SITS!Thanks for the tips!
Hi Greeny! I've given you an Award!
EarthMama-Thanks! I love having you here! Vinegar is great isn't it? So versatile!
Nap Warden-thanks for visiting-go at that Durango!
Sandy-thanks for coming by!
Owl and Fox-Thanks! I will repost soon! You are so sweet!
i hate those smelly trees dangling in cars almost as much as i hate cars!
my husband's car (i don't even know how to drive) smells to the sky. even in winter, if i have to drive in it, i do it with my window open. so this spring when time for the big cleaning comes, i'll try your tips.
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