I hope you are all having a terrific Tuesday! Today's 10 uses is all about magnets.
There are probably a million different ways to use magnets but making a magnetic broach is definitely the cutest one I have heard about in a long time. Check out these beauties coming soon from The Broken Plate Pendant Company. These are brilliant for two different reasons. The first being the obviously genius use of magnets. The second is that they are reusing another item, a broken plate. And I absolutely love this idea because we break a lot of dishes (some which are really rather pretty) around here. You know that I adore when I can get a two-for-one in the green department!
Now being that there millions of uses for magnets I know you must have a few. What are they?
wow...other than holding things on my fridge... i can't think of any!!!
Just stopping by from SITS. I mainly uses magnets to hold stuff up on the fridge.
I cant think of any other uses, other than when they hold my Chili's takeout menu securely in place on the side of the fridge. But...that's a very important job. :)
We were at the GR children's museum this past weekend, and they had a play area that set up a magnet table. There were tons of strong magnets under a thin piece of tin, and a bunch of washers and other metal pieces hanging around. It was cool, because the magnets allowed you to build up on the "table" and the washers and things would stick to one another. The kids loved it, and it's a way to use old (clean) washers etc...
Joan and Liz-keeping stuff on your fridge is good. Especially if it's with Umlauf's Nat'l Geographic magnets...that's doing it in style. Thanks for stopping by!
Michele-Great idea! I heard that's an awesome museum!
lovely brooches! when i was a child we used to have bulding blocks with magnets to make them stick together. we dared each other to lick the magnets, they had that aweful electric taste which provided so much fun for us. i can still taste a ghost of the taste whenever i think about my kindergarten years.
I glued magnets to the backside of my front door decorations to keep them from flopping against my mtal front door when the wind blows.
It only took me 3 years of living in a place with a metal front door to realize that magnets would stick to it and solve my problem. duh.
We put up pics of all the people we pray for on the back of our steel door. We use their Christmas pics and then glue a freebie magnet onto the back (those freebies from the phone books).
Condo blues-great idea! No metal doors here but I bet lots of people do and can use that. I am sure you aren't the only one that didn't think of it right away.
CC-That is SUCH a good idea! I LOVE it! And I am stealing it directly.
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