Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hidden Benefit of Buying Bulk

In the past I have mentioned my family's affinity for buying bulk and its benefits on the environment (less packaging, gas, etc...).  In Tucker's first year of school, I discovered a whole new reason.  Having our shelves stocked allows us to give easily to others.  As opportunities came up this year to donate, we were able to do so.  We gave Seventh Generation napkins, kleenexand paper towel to Tuck's classroom.  Organic Applesauce Pouches made the perfect snack when something prepackaged was required for his afterschool program.

Most importantly, this week when the school was collecting donations for Joplin, we could help.  We packed a bag full of Seventh Generation toilet paper and paper towel, Method Hand Soap, Preserve toothbrushes, and more.  No extra trip was needed and we were able to help others and the planet quickly and efficiently.

Do you buy in bulk?  What benefits have you seen?

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