Thursday, June 30, 2011

The First Garden Goody

Last week we got to pick our first garden goody, this beautiful yellowish green pepper (you all know I am a pro at technical gardening terms).  To be more specific, it came from a hybrid pepper starter plant courtesy of my local nursery.

There was a lot of debate on what to do with this beauty.  Finally it was decided that she would adorn our weekly movie night pizza.

We use Bob's Gluten Free Crust Mix, made with flaxseed meal and water in place of egg.  Usually I just throw on some Eden pizza sauce (Eden makes just about the only BPA free lining cans on the market right now and they are a Michigan company) and Daiya mozzarella cheese.  Today I added my lovely pepper (after saving the seeds) and diced sweet onion.  I ate a few pieces pepper raw (yum!) and roasted it with the onion before placing it on the pizza.

The result was a vegan/home-grown masterpiece!  What is your favorite way to use your garden's bounty?   What is your favorite way to do home-made pizza?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That pizza looks good enough to eat! LOL. I always use my peppers in stir-fries. But most of them are prepared for the freezer to be use in those months when we can't get them here, for soups, etc. Thanks for sharing!