Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A better bandage

My poor little toes are screaming in pain.  I unintentionally tortured them by making a poor shoe choice for work the other night.  My tiny toes now sport matching blisters worn raw...appealing image, I know. 

I tell you all of this because as I broke out the bandages today to put those toes on the road to healing, I thought of all of you.  The bandages I placed on my tootsies today are Ecoguard Bandages.  These particular bandages are latex free, use no animal testing, and use something called Natural Action Wave to eliminate over 85% of conventional production waste. I found them at Whole Foods and I marvel at the fact that there are even bandages making the planet better.  A tiny reminder that you can help make a difference with every purchase.   

Has anyone tried a form of eco-bandage?  What is a super small eco-change or purchase you were able to make?

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