Sunday, June 26, 2011

Website Wonders

We've come to the end of food awareness week!  Do you feel more aware?  Fear not, we aren't done just yet.  Today we talk websites.  In my experience, books and movies are great for raising the awareness and websites are very helpful for keeping it going.  Here are some I have found most useful:

The Kind Life:  The community forum and blog component of the The Kind Diet, this is a place for people to get advice, share recipes, and find support.  Alicia Silverstone blogs regularly and shares not only information on companies, recipes, her next movie, but a lot of animal rights and activism info if that is more your style.

Crazy, Sexy, Life: Kris Carr has done a great job creating an online space for people to come together, improve themselves, and help others and the world.  On her blog she has contributers that tackle all kinds of topics.  On the community message boards, one can find the most comprehensive community I've discovered for support on eating vegan, raw, juicing, and anywhere else you might be on the healthy journey.

Oh She Glows: One of the ways I get recipes is not by purchasing cookbooks, but by printing off online recipes and creating a cookbook of my own.  Oh She Glows provides many of the recipes in my homemade cookbook.

Manifest Vegan:  Recipes and resources for vegan, gluten free, and dining out!

XGFX: A power house of all vegan, all gluten free recipes.

What are your favorite websites for food awareness/veggie recipes?  Did you read, learn or see anything new this week?  How did it effect you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for all the links..I will visit them this week and take a look see..